The Game Is Just The Beginning!

It's start like a game and it's looks really easy
But when you just are a beginner it's harder then it seems
You have to start over again, but remembre you have limited life's
You come to places you nerver been to before and you get to explore things that you never would before
When you only have one life left you meet the boss and dies
You learned to see the world from an other point of view
It was your last chance to make things right but as all know there is always a new beginning
Let's start all over again and see over the things where we went wrong
To fix up what's broken and left behind
Let us experience all the good things that ever happend
Let us feel the rain on our skin once more and how it felt when we touched each other in the dark
Remember how it felt when we made love and how it felt when you killed me
Can you not see what you have done? Are you the pride bastard that broke my heat?!
Well come back to me and say it like the pride bastard that killed me!


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